TLC Can Help With Your Back to School Needs

New backpack? Check. New crayons? Check. New clothes? Check. Childcare? Don’t stress. It’s never too early to start thinking about your school year child care needs. No matter how much help you need, TLC Family Care has a few ideas on how to help you gear up for the school year. 1. Hire an after…

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Navigating Nanny Departure: The Professional Way to Give Notice

As with all jobs, there will come a time when you need to depart from your current role. Whether prompted by personal circumstances or new career opportunities, leaving your nanny position warrants thoughtful consideration and a thorough display of professionalism. Key to this process is the act of providing proper notice. How much notice should…

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5 Steps to Kick Off the New Year Right in Your Job 

As we bid farewell to 2023 we eagerly look forward to what 2024 will bring. Now is a great opportunity to take a look around your personal and professional surroundings and make some excellent changes to build and enhance your nanny job.   Take stock of your surroundings. All those new toys and books that arrived…

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The Benefits of A Nanny Work Agreement

Like any other relationship, good communication is vital to having an effective nanny/parent-family relationship. To avoid any miscommunication, TLC Family Care suggests creating a work agreement, or contract, for both the nanny and family to agree to. But what does a work agreement include? Agreed upon salary: After you and your nanny have agreed on…

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Best Practices to Establish the Perfect Nanny Relationship

Our guest post today comes from International Nanny Association.    You’ve finished your search and have finally hired the best-fit nanny for your family, but where do you go from here to ensure that you develop the best possible nanny relationship ongoing? Honeymoon Period In every new job, both the employer and employee will be…

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Nannying For The Child With Special Needs

Our guest post today comes from International Nanny Association.  As modern families continue to grow, they have become more prone to hiring professional, experienced nannies to support the day-to-day management of their busy households. As a result, nanny roles have become much more complex and integral to the family dynamic than ever before. Nannies are expected…

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5 Steps to Kick Off the New Year Right in Your Job

We’ve bid farewell to 2021 and eagerly look forward to what 2022 will bring. Now that we’re in the New Year, this is a great opportunity to take a look around your personal and professional surroundings and make some excellent changes to build and enhance your nanny job.  Take stock of your surroundings. All those…

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Hiring a Household Manager

TLC for Kids has been helping families find quality childcare for over 30 years.  Did you know that we also place Household Managers  and Personal Assistants? When kids are old enough to go to school often times families still need before and after school care. Household Managers or Personal Assistants can fit this need.  The…

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Nanny Jobs for Teachers

Nannies and teachers are alike in many ways.  More and more teachers are thinking about leaving the classroom to become  nannies. Nannying gives teachers the  opportunity to work with kids on a one-on-one basis. Here we explore how you can translate your teaching experience into effective childcare as a TLC Family Care nanny! Nannies, like…

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Tips for a Traveling Nanny: 5 Things You Need to Know

To some, it seems like the ultimate gig. You get to travel to tropical islands and exotic foreign destinations with all of your expenses included — plus your regular salary. But while outsiders may hear “all-inclusive trip to the Jamaica,” a nanny hears “a long flight, a new location, no toys and strange food.”  Though…

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