TLC Can Help With Your Back to School Needs

New backpack? Check.

New crayons? Check.

New clothes? Check.

Childcare? Don’t stress. It’s never too early to start thinking about your school year child care needs. No matter how much help you need, TLC Family Care has a few ideas on how to help you gear up for the school year.Pan Xiaozhen 423533 Unsplash, TLC Family Care

1. Hire an after school nanny. Not every parent is able to be home after school with their kids. Luckily, TLC Family Care has caregivers with flexible schedules to care for your children when you need it. After school caregivers can pick up your child from school, help with homework, start on dinner, etc. All of our caregivers have reliable, insured forms of transportation and have been thoroughly vetted.

2. Make a list of your top five favorite nannies. Once the school year starts, calendars start overflowing with practices, PTA meetings, and plays. When parents get this busy, it is easy to forget when you need a sitter. Plan ahead and make your requests now with for your favorite sitters. Requesting your favorite sitters in advance helps ensure one of them will be available. A familiar nanny is easier for you and your kiddos because they’ve been to your house before—you don’t have to spend time explaining all the dos and don’ts. Plus, being requested for a job lets your nanny know he/she is doing her job well.

3. Emergency Childcare. No matter how much planning we do last minute needs come up. Our kids will get sick, an extra practice is scheduled or a last minute meeting is added to the calendar. Don’t worry, the TLC for Kids Emergency Service can help with these last minute needs.

TLC Family Care is here to help as you gear up for this school year. Visit us online at or call 314-725-5660.

The professionals at TLC Family Care personally assist nannies, babysitters and families in St. Louis, Atlanta, Chicago, Nashville, Memphis, Charlotte, Miami and Orlando to find the right childcare arrangement. Our mission is to provide a safe and personalized  approach for families and caregivers to connect with each other that is not an internet search. TLC has worked with families, nannies, sitters, newborn care providers, and tutors for over 35 years and looks forward to working with you! To find great nanny and babysitting jobs visit us at or Call 314-725-5660.

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