Nannies in St. Louis

Pricing Structure Policies

All of our fees and pricing structures are completely transparent so you will always know what you can expect to pay for our services in advance of putting us to work for you.

TLC fees and pricing vary based on the extent and type of services and care required.  We represent a wide range of household professionals ranging from enthusiastic entry level sitters to seasoned professionals. Our agency fees enable us to provide reliable caregivers and responsive service for families.

Clients may either compensate the caregiver directly in full at the end of each day/evening (Agency fees charged to credit card on file), or, Client may request TLC to employ and compensate the caregiver hourly. There is a 4 hour minimum for care on all visits (7 hour minimum for overnight and newborn care).

Short Term Referrals

Type of CarePayment MethodCaregiver RatesTLC Agency Fees
Sitters, Subsitute Nannies, & Caregivers for Children with Special NeedsClient pays caregivers directlyNew client rates for 1-2 children (add $1.00 per hour for each additional child) $17.00 per hour minimum plus tip in MO. $20.00 per hour in other locations. $20.00 per hour for hotel sitters. – 1.5 x rate per hour for holidays - *client pays for all parking costs at the time of services.$40.00 per day agency fee
TLC employs & pays caregivers$30- $35 per hour; 1.5 x rate per hour for holidays and New Years Eve or any weekly hours exceeding 40 (call for rates for your specific location)N/A
Daycare Subs and Group/Event Care      TLC employs & pays caregivers$35.00 per hour; $52.50 per hour for holidays and New Years Eve or any weekly hours exceeding 40.N/A
Live-out Newborn Care Providers Daytime/OvernightClient pays caregivers directly$25.00 - $35.00 per hour$40.00 per day agency fee
TLC employs & pays caregivers1.75 X Caregiver Rate ($45 per hour min); time and 1/2 pay for holidays and New Years Eve or any weekly hours exceeding 40.N/A
Deposit:$350.00 non-refundable deposit covers consultation and matching process and 5 days of agency fees. 
Live-in Newborn Care ProvidersClient pays caregivers directly$450.00-$600.00 per day20% of caregiver fee
TLC employs & pays caregivers$40.00 - $50.00 per hour, time and ½ for any holiday or hours exceeding 40 per week; client pays for all parking costs at the time of service. N/A
Deposit:$350.00 non-refundable deposit covers consultation and matching process 
Around-the-clock/Overnight CareClient pays caregivers directlycall for rates$40.00 per day agency fee
TLC employs & pays caregiverscall for ratesN/A

• $10 agency fee surcharge for holiday requests. -  Holidays include Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (after  5:00 P.M.), Christmas Day, New Year's Day,  Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, & Fourth of July)

• Failure to pay your caregiver directly at the end of the assignment will result in TLC charging your credit card the hourly rate of $30 per hour or $45 per hour for any overtime or holiday 

Cancellation Policy

• The client's credit card will be charged the agency set-up fee following a confirmation call/email to the client for the visit. This fee covers the agency's work in setting up the visit. It is not refundable.

• 24 hours notice is required for caregiver cancellation or client will be responsible for paying the caregiver fee (4-hour minimum). Clients who chose to have TLC pay the caregivers will be charged $30 per hour. 

Long Term Referrals

This service is for families who wish to hire nannies, private educators, household managers and senior helpers on a full-time or part-time basis for a minimum of one year or longer, at least 20 hours per week (15 hours per week for After-school positions). TLC will recruit, interview, and screen candidates based on the requirements determined by the family. TLC will identify the best possible fit for client interviews. There is a non-refundable $290 application fee to begin the search. Placement fees are based on a percentage of annual salary and payable at the time of placement.


Average salaries range between $800 and $1,500 per week for full-time (30 plus hours per week) and $20-$28 per hour for part-time. Candidate background, education, experience, duties, requirements, and location determine salary and hourly rates. TLC will be able to offer you a suggested range based on your job description.


Long term employees are typically offered two weeks paid vacation, a fixed number of paid days for sick and personal time, and pay for six major holidays. Long term is a 52 week per year commitment.

Agency Fees (Long-Term Referrals) Choose from the following levels of service:

(most popular)
Application fee (nonrefundable): $290.00
Agency fee (based on total gross annual compensation):10%12%16%
**$2,600 minimum fee for part-time placements under 30 hours per week
Guaranteed no-charge replacement period or 50% agency credit: 2 months4 months6 months
Live-out candidates:
Live-in candidates:
Agency coordinates and schedules nanny famiy interviews:
Screened, interviewed, reference checked by TLC staff:
Criminal background check (national and state):
Motor vehicle report:
Social Security number trace and child abuse clearance:
US Justice Department Sex Offender Registry:
Global Terrorist Search (office of foreign affairs registry check):
Assistance with completing employment agreement:
Professionally drafted confidentiality agreement: employee evaluation form:
Nanny-specific employee evaluation documents provided:
Agency coordinates and schedules nanny famiy interviews:
Assistance with completing employment agreement:
Ongoing support and advice on industry standards, proper employment protocol, employee management issues, & specific case scenarios: 1 Hour3 hoursUnlimited
Education verified:
Non-childcare employment verified:
Verification of valid CPR training:
Agency fee waived for days of backup care, evening sitting, babysitting (non-holiday): 05 (does not roll over)10 (does not roll over)
  • $290 non-refundable application fee to activate your search
    (required for all service levels)
  • All levels give you access to our temporary/emergency services for one year at the prevailing
  • All levels include a full battery of background investigations
  • Summer placement fee is $1000.00
  • Monthly placements $600