Every Family Needs A Work Agreement With Their Nanny

TLC Family Care has always asked families and nannies to complete a work agreement before the nanny begins. Our friends at Breedlove and Associates share with us why the nanny work agreement or nanny contract is so important. Hiring a nanny can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially for ultra-busy, sleep-deprived families. Often, the obsession…

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Nanny Mileage Reimbursement

Mileage Reimbursement: Asleep At the Wheel It’s very common for families to ask their employee to perform job tasks using her own car (i.e. errands, drop-offs, pick-ups, etc.). With the high price of gas, mileage reimbursement has become an increasingly important line item on the paystub. This case helps families understand the law regarding mileage…

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